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Duration: 128 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-31 16:17:39 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/enAntena/ Se confirma que con Kiko sólo tuvo relaciones sexuales esporádicas. |
Comments | |
wallaguest1 ::: Favorites escoria televisiva dejar de bombardear la tele con esta basura, solo falta que ahora cuelguen aqui estos videos, no mereceis la muerte, mereceis la mas desagradable y angustiosa vida posible, poneos a trabajar vagos de mierda, ke vivis de la sopa boba, sois desechos, borregos sociales, analfabetos. sois mierda. 07-08-03 11:52:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
jotjanero ::: Favorites Una pregunta que la dejo en el aire... si el poligrafo en serio dice la verdad, ¿Porque no se utiliza el poligrafo en juicios y demás? 07-08-03 13:02:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
elcomendador ::: Favorites La verdad que la tv española con estos canales privados ha decaido bastante, se ha pasado de no poder decir nada en público a emitir en formato de ondas todas las mierdas que se les ocurre a un grupo de sin estudios ni ninguna otra cosa más que vivir del cuento. ¡Viva España! 07-08-03 18:34:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
TANIACUAL ::: Favorites Deberían suprimir estos programas, con basura para enriquecer a unos pocos culos gordos.. 07-08-04 12:27:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
pterodactil ::: Favorites HIJOS DE PUTA antena3, la gente de a pie hace tiempo que está cansada de esta porqueria de programación. Y para quien lo mire: os va a explotar el cerebro, imbéciles!! 07-08-04 17:00:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
pablofdez ::: Favorites Ke mierda, nos vamos de la televisión muertos de asco pero la mierda rosa nos persigue hasta el You Tube! y PUTA ANTENA 3!! 07-08-05 07:01:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
elshowdemario ::: Favorites aqui se forra hasta la pantoja de estos montajes 07-08-05 11:09:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
adesantiago5 ::: Favorites Me encanta que este chico empieze a trabajar,aunque sea de chuloputas. 07-08-05 19:23:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
Txawen666 ::: Favorites Patetico, como toda antena 3 en general. Menuda mierda de noticias ke tenemos ke aguantar todos los dias. 07-08-07 06:50:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
xuxu33 ::: Favorites Mas peliculas y menos mierdas de estas. 07-08-07 11:47:56 _____________________________________________________ |
Thursday, August 9, 2007
En Antena - La ex novia de Kiko Rivera
Re: YouTube Gossip!
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Duration: 226 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-29 05:04:21 User: renetto :::: Favorites |
http://www.paulrobinett.com Please watch the video "YouTube Gossip" by seanbedlam... if your still confused... PLEASE see your DOCTOR. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtbUe_jK4WM |
Comments | |
meatflowers ::: Favorites Unlike Sean, you are not remotely interesting or funny. Leave all that stuff to him please :) 07-04-18 10:13:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
ericerj4141 ::: Favorites I like your stuff Renetto! 07-04-19 22:49:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
samelf ::: Favorites Your a champ man, i hope you see this comment :-) 07-04-25 06:51:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
superangrymonkey ::: Favorites That comment is more than a little frightening 07-04-25 17:10:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
YouWillSubmit ::: Favorites Of course it is. The eloquent words of a higher intelect, are always frightening,,, to an idiot! Do you have any more simian utterances to offer? Thats a good monkey, now go play with your feces. 07-04-25 22:35:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
julesdogg ::: Favorites Shit accent mate - mid atlantic/mid pacific - try harder. SB rocks and he's funny. Why not do something original? Oh, and the canned laughter is piss poor! 07-05-02 13:00:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
emeranneee ::: Favorites Seanbedlam is GREAT, this post unfortunately was not :p - especially the cockney accent, what was that about ? 07-06-03 12:15:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
electricsandstorm52 ::: Favorites he listening to it on his ipod 07-06-04 21:34:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
gnash68 ::: Favorites Very witty, mate. 07-06-21 04:09:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
Mastrius1 ::: Favorites freaking awesome 07-07-17 08:01:40 _____________________________________________________ |
O'Reilly on "the down side of free speech"
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Duration: 121 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-08 13:36:16 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
www.newshounds.us Takes Michael Savage to task in thinly disguised swipe at "far left", Move On, websites who disagree with him. Comments welcome at http://www.newshounds.us/2007/06/08/oreilly_jabs_left_jabs_right_for_once.php#more |
Best of Will Kirby BB7 #33
Ravines-James Jump 1
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Duration: 184 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-13 20:58:43 User: Compupaq :::: Favorites |
This is the pre-jump. |
Comments | |
lttljvd ::: Favorites what a pussy 07-04-14 14:10:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
dellcomfat ::: Favorites wat a fucking fagget 07-08-01 14:58:47 _____________________________________________________ |
Do Conservatives Want War With Mexico?
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Duration: 54 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-21 01:15:56 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
Laura Ingraham is enthusiastic about possible presidential candidate Fred Thompson's not-so-subtle threats toward Mexico. Comment at http://www.newshounds.us/2007/03/21/do_conservatives_want_war_with_mexico.php#more |
O'Malkin stops guest from defending her view - again
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Duration: 443 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-21 12:26:54 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
www.newshounds.us "Stop, stop" is Michelle Malkin's only slightly politer version of Bill O'Reilly's "shut up!" Once again she controls the "debate" so tightly that the opposition is silenced. Comments welcome at http://www.newshounds.us/2007/07/21/control_freak_malkin_tells_guest_stop_stop_to_prevent_salient_point.php |
Comments | |
Toddo31 ::: Favorites ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz Another non-issue Faux News tries to whip up into something that will get the crazy flashing of her teeth on YouTube. Idiot. 07-07-22 01:40:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
stewart0312 ::: Favorites More like she is talking to a 70 year old. That is the average age of a Fox viewer. 07-07-22 02:12:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
gordonmcdowell ::: Favorites I appreciate posting a full account of her hosting, but there's no need to give Malkin 2 minutes of ranting at the front end of a video clip. 07-07-22 03:16:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
midwestcharm ::: Favorites I just reported Michele to the FBI, I'm glad she said she won't sue me.. :) 07-07-22 06:31:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
Kapan60 ::: Favorites Well she did say "Death to Americaa" :) Seriously, I'd love to see her try to defend herself against a a "John Doe" witness and consider it fair legal practice. The fact is these witnesses need protection if they act with good faith, but it seems the way the law is written anyone can abuse it. 07-07-22 11:21:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
GeorgePedrosa ::: Favorites Interesting to note that Fox News always puts Malkin to comment racial issues instead of their regular white-male-christians hosts so as to give her racist remarks some legitimacy. No wonder Bill O'Reilly loves to put this little racist whore in his program. The US is really a bad place to live if north americans are giving this nazi attention. 07-07-22 11:24:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
ciberwarrior ::: Favorites I don't like lawyers and American court system. So I agree with Fox News this time. 07-07-22 12:19:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
pat637 ::: Favorites Michelle Malkin was one of the first 9/11 truthers. Google it. She blows with the dollar. 07-07-22 13:08:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
pat637 ::: Favorites WHAT <b>Michelle Malkin? WHISTLE BLOWERS?! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN SIBEL EDMONDS WAS BLOWING THE WHISTLE? FBI LINKS AND COMPLICITY WITH TURKISH TERRORISM?!</b> 07-07-22 13:12:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
thAchauffeur ::: Favorites What a bitch/tool. 07-07-22 14:50:38 _____________________________________________________ |
Stop the presses, glipse of Amber crying in the DR
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Duration: 12 seconds Upload Time: 07-08-07 22:39:02 User: xx2000xx :::: Favorites |
Stop the presses, glipse of Amber crying in the DR |
Comments | |
tylermunro ::: Favorites Haha 07-08-07 23:03:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
ash29ley ::: Favorites give me a break 07-08-07 23:44:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
angelboku1 ::: Favorites boo hoo *eyeroll* 07-08-07 23:55:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
Synconz ::: Favorites Just when you thought the feeds were safe...BAM! 07-08-08 01:53:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
highwind44029 ::: Favorites LMAO!!! What the fuck? 07-08-08 08:59:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
cocabc ::: Favorites that's nothing wait till she finds out that her jewish comments are plastered all over the web 07-08-08 12:39:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
shoppe808 ::: Favorites haha!! I know! I can't wait! Amber sucks! 07-08-08 20:37:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
sunupsam ::: Favorites I she ever NOT crying? LOL 07-08-09 00:39:28 _____________________________________________________ |
Noticias - Originales pruebas de trabajo
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Duration: 130 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-16 10:39:34 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3noticias.com Encontrar un buen puesto de trabajo o ascender ya no dependen de una simple entrevista. Las empresas han encontrado nuevas y originales formas de valorar la capacidad de liderazgo de sus empleados. |
Comments | |
gemmapalaciosnick ::: Favorites A ver si algunos que trabajen en Antena 3 lo leen y se lo envian al personal de Antena 3. Antena 3 esta pasando momentos muy debiles en audiencia sobretodo en la tarde. Tendrian que mejorar las mañanas y sus tardes: 9.00 ESPEJO PUBLICO (con Matias Prats, Roberto Arce, Lourdes Maldonado, que colaboren de vez en cuando) 11.00 LOS MAS BUSCADOS 12.30 LA RULETA 14.00 SIMPSONS 15.00 NOTICIAS (idea: alargar las noticias hasta las 5 de la tarde, para que de 4 a 5 se enfrente a Aqui hay tomate) 07-03-21 15:40:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
cabrazz ::: Favorites yo no veo los simpson desde hace 4 meses, ya que mi trabajo lo impide, pues termino a las 15H y llego a mi casa sobre las 16.30 - 17.00H, ni veo simpsom ni telediario... 07-03-21 16:49:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
KristinaFueraFacha3 ::: Favorites Para mi Facha 3 es el peor canal de España. Tiene pesima programacion tan solo emiten pelis y pelis, pocas series y malas. Parece una televisión local. Sus mañanas y sus sobremesas estan aun por definir, y lo rellenan con repeticiones de series. Al menos los otros canales tienen una parrilla asentada y emiten buenas series. Telecinco emitirá programas malos pero por otra parte lo compensa emitiendo buenas series, no como Facha 3 que emite programas malos y series malas, nada vale la pena 07-04-03 10:49:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
gatonegro1985 ::: Favorites en las noticias de a3 dan 5 minutos de información partidista y luego 25 minutos de polladas y noticias chorras, dsde luego...k asco 07-06-27 19:26:55 _____________________________________________________ |
Say It's Possible
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Duration: 206 seconds Upload Time: 06-07-31 13:56:25 User: renetto :::: Favorites |
http://www.paulrobinett.com Oh my God, this song was delivered on the wings of an angle to my ears. Enjoy. - Renetto Reviews |
Comments | |
Elvaxion ::: Favorites Fantastic vid man!and say it's possable 07-03-29 17:40:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
mtd076 ::: Favorites A classic. What this U tube world is all about. Pure entertainment on so many levels! 07-03-29 18:51:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
tphung1 ::: Favorites lmfao, holy shit, i going to die, sooooo funny 07-04-05 00:50:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
i1der88 ::: Favorites exactly... wtf... this guy makes no sense. 07-04-15 23:50:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
Grimace ::: Favorites Sorry she did it really awesome, but why wouldn't you have posted this on Terra Naomis account 07-04-17 10:48:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
huardes ::: Favorites R-E-S-P-E-K for the R-E-S-P-E-C-T I wish i would have the balls to honor her in that appropiate manner. 07-04-17 15:50:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
criticbynature ::: Favorites Why are you talkin like a retard? I think her song has enough publicity on youtube without a jackass like you trying to piggyback on it. Come up with an original idea, have talent or stay off youtube. What a tool. 07-05-06 00:45:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
merlinheir ::: Favorites Man , remove this gay ass video please, everytime i watch her video your ugly face appears on the right of my screen cos its "related", youre attempt at humour fails... 07-05-09 08:02:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
aljaz91 ::: Favorites hahaha...you are so funny man..good job! 07-06-10 10:36:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
tarktorjanos ::: Favorites Azta rohad gec:D Ez tud vmit. 07-07-05 17:48:33 _____________________________________________________ |
Democrats CAN Be Heard on FOX News - It's Just Difficult!
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Duration: 516 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-03 16:04:28 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
Democrats Bob Menendez, Senator from New Jersey, and Charles Barron, NYC Councilman, actually were able to get their points across to a FOX audience. One wonders, however, were their words lost on the typical FOX viewer? Comment at www.newshounds.us |
Reset! - Messaggi al mondo - Pordenone
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Duration: 151 seconds Upload Time: 07-02-27 14:42:08 User: StaffGrillo :::: Favorites |
www.beppegrillo.it - Reset Tour 2007 - Messaggi al mondo, Pordenone 22 febbraio 2007 |
Comments | |
polverigicazzara ::: Favorites tutto il mondo è paese... 07-02-27 14:58:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
parsallo ::: Favorites molto dolce questa ragazza! 07-05-15 22:39:06 _____________________________________________________ |
Re: Gullible is not in the Dictionary 50 cent Rap Remix
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Duration: 71 seconds Upload Time: 07-08-02 15:33:31 User: mooorange :::: Favorites |
Warning: contains profanity & hand gestures angrylittlegirl raps to the 50 Cent song What Up Gangsta. |
Comments | |
fighting4air ::: Favorites both got the same education. 07-08-06 21:37:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
tvdobe ::: Favorites well done!!! 07-08-07 00:35:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
11yossi11 ::: Favorites lol 07-08-07 03:54:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
purplecrystallillez ::: Favorites HAHA THAT is funny shit, man! :D 07-08-07 12:23:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
eckoraexo ::: Favorites I think AngryLittleGirl is very smart && pretty :D Her vids. are fun. I totally disagree with you guys. Sorry! 07-08-07 21:07:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
timm9 ::: Favorites She is a atheist and the most disliked here. So young yet so full of hate...sad,but very telling to what she believes in. 07-08-08 01:11:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
darkuk89 ::: Favorites I can't stop watching this lol, I'm agnostic myself but her videos still irritated me. 07-08-08 04:42:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
Apfelbaum108 ::: Favorites Great, how genious~!!! ^^ 07-08-08 09:34:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
PoopPoopFart ::: Favorites Hahaha. Win. 07-08-08 20:47:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
SplengeBlab ::: Favorites semi-win 07-08-09 00:43:21 _____________________________________________________ |
En Antena - Noelia frente al polígrafo
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Duration: 134 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-31 16:21:10 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/enAntena/ Las ex de Kiko Rivera habla de las infidelidades de la pareja en el plató de En Antena. |
Comments | |
Bruj01315 ::: Favorites dios vaya puta mierda ahora con youtube. ahora ya esta metiendo videos patrocinados y antena 3 mete mas y mas mierda que solo esta cadena sabe dar. Que asco de televisión, ahora encima a contaminar internet. No entro mas 07-08-05 18:15:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
ntxnmyir ::: Favorites ni lo digas Bruj01315 no teniamos bastante con q solo salga mierda por la tele pa q encima tambien vengan a cagar youtube 07-08-06 05:51:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
wallaguest1 ::: Favorites otro video del mismo calibre? solo lo ven viejos aburridos esos programas, las compañias publicitarias algun dia se daran cuenta de que mas audiencia no significa mas ventas, y estos programas desaparecerán para siempre, antena 3, vuestra programación y vuestras noticias incompletas e irrelevantes son basura. Todo en general, y los directivos en particular sois mierda, escoria inmunda y no mejor que el resto de cadenas. 07-08-06 11:16:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
noelita3 ::: Favorites joooder 07-08-06 11:45:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
GatoAdictVideoTube ::: Favorites si, no te jode... prefieres telecinko no? xDDD 07-08-06 20:09:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
Txawen666 ::: Favorites Patetico, como toda antena 3 en general. Menuda mierda de noticias ke tenemos ke aguantar todos los dias. 07-08-07 06:50:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
prendabonita ::: Favorites vaya pais de cotillas, que vergÜenza. no hay nada mas que putas y maricones en la tele 07-08-07 09:21:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
rolegirl ::: Favorites antena 3 y tele5, a la mierda, arriba 4 y la sexta!, apostemos por programas de calidad! 07-08-07 12:27:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
rolegirl ::: Favorites cateto/a, en antena 3 estaba "cambio radikal", en cuatro, estaba "desnudas", en el que se enseñaba a quererse a uno mismo, no a cambiarse. además, de que tanto en 4 como en la sexta, hay series de calidad (todas provenientes de canal+ y algunas de la Fox=house, antomía de grey, prison break...)en la sexta, SE RÍEN de la telebasura, creo que no has entendido el fin del programa "sé lo que hicisteis..."... 07-08-07 12:30:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
lanenaxulah15 ::: Favorites si no os gsta antena 3 no lo veais 07-08-07 14:51:07 _____________________________________________________ |
Moore & Gupta - Heated Discussion on Health Care, Pt. 3
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Duration: 293 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-11 00:48:44 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
http://newshounds.us Part 3 of 3: Michael Moore and Dr. Sanjay Gupta engage in an intense, live discussion of the sad state of American health care and the dismal state of accuracy in today's mainstream media. |
Donde estás Corazón - Carmen Martínez-Bordiú se sincera e
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Duration: 198 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-08 10:23:37 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/dec/ La Bordiú asegura que nunca hablaría con los medios de comunicación de ciertos aspectos de su vida y que no le gusta que se refieran a ella como la nietísima. |
Comments | |
Politeama ::: Favorites Gema como que lo tomas muy a pecho y Carmen es mucho mas lista que todos vosotros. No entiendo por que os entra ese mal carácter con vuestros invitados? Ellos van por la plata que les dais, que por hablar un poquitín se gana algo fácilmente. Carmen me parece en su mejor momento y me alegro por ella. Pero Gema, no lo toméis todo tan en serio porque te vas a afectar la salud. 07-03-15 20:52:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
pterodactylo ::: Favorites Toda esa gente que vive del cuento es despreciable...y encima ser nieta de un dictador es peor aun...pero si ese pais no le diera tanta atencion...se le esfumaria la fama 07-07-19 14:18:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
pablofdez ::: Favorites Ke mierda, nos vamos de la televisión muertos de asco pero la mierda rosa nos persigue hasta el You Tube! y PUTA ANTENA 3!! 07-08-05 09:13:40 _____________________________________________________ |
Noticias - Para los amantes del Tunnig
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Duration: 99 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-26 10:35:07 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://antena3noticias.com Su afición les cuesta miles de euros y muchas horas de su tiempo libre. Los apasionados del tunning saben que la recompensa a tanto esfuerzo y dedicación es presumir de un coche único en el mundo, aunque no todos compartan sus gustos. |
Comments | |
vanearagonzaragoza ::: Favorites Ya se que el tema no tiene nada que ver pero lo incluyo para ver si algunos que planean los programas de Antena 3 se pasean por aqui a leer. A ver si recuperan Sorpresa Sorpresa y que no lo den por finalizado! Pero eso si que lo cambien de horario y de franja a un horario mucho menos competitivo!!por ejemplo en las medianoches de Antena 3, y de paso que quiten Buenafuente que siempre tengo que cambiar de canal cuando empieza de lo malo q es, ya me aburre, y no hace ni gracia 07-03-26 14:57:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
vanearagonzaragoza ::: Favorites Bueno, rectifico que no quiten Buenafuente de la parrilla sino que le den un horario que lo puedan ver mis niños que me tienen ya hartita pidiendome erre que erre que les grabe los programas de Buenafuente, a ver si antena 3 pone el programa en un buen horario, se los agradeceria a ver si mis hijos ya se conforman con poder verlo 07-03-26 15:35:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
bocachancla ::: Favorites claro mujer, pondran a buenafuente a las 5 de la tarde pare ke tus hijos puedan verlo tal y como vienen del colegio. 07-03-27 12:53:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
KristinaFueraFacha3 ::: Favorites Para mi Facha 3 es el peor canal de España. Tiene pesima programacion tan solo emiten pelis y pelis, pocas series y malas. Parece una televisión local. Sus mañanas y sus sobremesas estan aun por definir, y lo rellenan con repeticiones de series. Al menos los otros canales tienen una parrilla asentada y emiten buenas series. Telecinco emitirá programas malos pero por otra parte lo compensa emitiendo buenas series, no como Facha 3 que emite programas malos y series malas, nada vale la pena 07-04-03 10:08:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
gatonegro1985 ::: Favorites en las noticias de a3 dan 5 minutos de información partidista y luego 25 minutos de polladas y noticias chorras, dsde luego... 07-06-27 19:25:09 _____________________________________________________ |
Amber vs the truth #2
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Duration: 321 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-27 21:08:22 User: xx2000xx :::: Favorites |
Amber vs the truth #2 |
Comments | |
sadeee ::: Favorites I think DICK like's AMBER 07-07-28 01:57:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
neolistic ::: Favorites Amber needs to go! 07-07-28 04:03:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
sdel24 ::: Favorites LOL, oh gosh....you couldn't have said it better 07-07-28 06:28:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
avrey258sussex ::: Favorites Seahag!!!!STFU! 07-07-28 12:14:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
krmcountrygirl ::: Favorites OMG What is Amber's deal. It must be her time of the month LOL. Dick is right she is being a Bitch. I mean look at her she is trying to get rid of Dick. And OMG Jameka and her ummmmmmmm hhmmmmmmmmmm gets on my nerves!!!! LOL 07-07-28 13:04:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
zennysmada ::: Favorites She is a complete idiot. 07-07-28 13:26:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
enemy88 ::: Favorites she makes popeye look pretty 07-07-28 18:10:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
cutefemmegirl ::: Favorites "He goes ... and I go, and He goes" ... I go, STFU already! I can't take her big mouth anymore ... and I used to like her. 07-07-30 12:59:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
ME4CAM ::: Favorites I just wanted to ask a question.. I have been looking up the BB8 cast and I came across Ambers page..All the pictues on her page, it looks like she is gay..?? This post will not let me add a web link. But if you look around, I'm sure you can find it... 07-07-30 18:36:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
pittsnogle26 ::: Favorites this is the worst nerd herd ever! 07-08-07 10:01:17 _____________________________________________________ |
Will and Boogie talk about taking down S6 in their own room
Schiavi Moderni - Incontro col Ministro Damiano
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Duration: 235 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-09 11:03:35 User: StaffGrillo :::: Favorites |
www.beppegrillo.it |
Comments | |
ladysteffy69 ::: Favorites Ma il video completo si può vedere?? Questo ministro che dubita che i sindacati nn sanno ..... mi sta proprio sul c... ! E' come se avesse detto: i lavoratori so bugiardi! Sput 07-07-04 22:09:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
ladysteffy69 ::: Favorites Il nostro Amico, si sta esponendo moltissimo x noi tutti, sono d'accordo con "Fiatdevi" bisogna che noi ci diamo una smossa!". A Beppe, proteggiti perke' questi le persone "brave e scomode" le hanno sempre tolte di mezzo. E paradossalmente sono preoccupatissima x te. Raga' di dobbiamo attivare, smuovete le coscienze!!! 07-07-04 22:12:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
mlt82 ::: Favorites Damiano è il meno peggio che ci sia... speriamo faccia davvero qualcosa... 07-07-05 05:25:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
gdprd ::: Favorites Ricorda l 8 Settembre ... V ... 07-07-06 10:11:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
shingotamay ::: Favorites Grillo fai un telegiornale 07-07-11 11:06:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
vagnusde67 ::: Favorites Scusa ma Beppe ma quello con cui parlavi e' veramente il ministeo del lavoro o l'hai incontrato al bar il lunedi' mattina per i commenti sulle partite. Anyway great job!!! Ciao 07-07-13 02:43:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
infovobis ::: Favorites Cercate il video intitolato "Stop the Clash (Italiano)" a proposito delle differenze,inesistenti, tra popoli occidentali e musulmani-orientali. 07-07-13 23:17:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
ittidnev ::: Favorites Non ho nessuna fiducia in noi italiani. Non siamo gente per bene. Grillo è l'ennesimo santino intorno al quale ci raccogliamo perché le nostre tasche sono vuote. Disprezziamo i politici in pubblico e poi ne cerchiamo la compiacenza in privato. Pulcinella quando fa la rivoluzione ruba un piatto di maccheroni. 07-07-15 18:14:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
giovanninog ::: Favorites purtroppo ti devo dare Ragionissima 07-07-19 08:19:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
ladysteffy69 ::: Favorites Sottoscrivete la petizione/raccolta firme per cancellare la legge biagi. Partecipate e fate partecipare più persone che conoscete, è importante davvero. Aiutiamoci ma soprattutto dimostriamo concretamente che siamo tanti. In caso contrario i Governi penseranno che i precari stanno bene nella loro condizione ed è per questo che non si fanno sentire. sito d'appoggio alla petizione: lavoratoriprecari com 07-08-05 03:36:11 _____________________________________________________ |
Miss USA Wants to be 'Journalist'
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Duration: 60 seconds Upload Time: 07-03-21 17:08:30 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
Outgoing Miss USA Tara Conner says she wants to be a "journalist" and this video, with no audio, demonstrates she might fit in at Fox News. To comment, visit: http://www.newshounds.us. |