Children in foster care have the same desires as all children -- to have a permanent home with loving, supportive parents. Currently, there are 518,000 children in the U.S. foster care system and 118,000 of these children are waiting for an adoptive family. The majority are minorities, with older African American boys waiting the longest for adoption. Sadly, about 19,000 young adults age out of the system without ever being adopted.
This campaign, available in English and Spanish, aims to raise awareness about the children who are waiting for a permanent, loving, family. The campaigns asks prospective parents to consider adopting a child from foster care and highlights the urgent need for families who can provide homes for these children.
The Adoption campaign launched in July 2004 with the goal of raising awareness of the significant number of children in this country waiting to be adopted. The lighthearted PSAs illustrate that parents do not need to be superhuman to become a parent to a child from foster care. The heartwarming television and radio PSAs take a look at some of the simple things that parents do everyday with their children whether it's watching television, playing music together or making a costume for the class play, they all reinforce the notion that it is the everyday things that really count. The public service ads end with the tagline "you don't have to be a hero to be a hero" or "you don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent."
The Adoption Spanish-language campaign launched in April 2005 and also aims to raise awareness of the number of children waiting to be adopted. However, this campaign specifically addresses barriers that prevent many in the Hispanic community from considering adoption. The campaign highlights important facts such as, financial and educational assistance are available to parents and that this information is available in Spanish.
The PSAs direct audiences to visit or or call 1-888-200-4005 or 1-877-ADOPTE1 for important, accurate information about the foster care system and the adoption process.