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Duration: 05:39 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-08 20:39:01 User: TheCheezWizz :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Hay it's 3 |
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Friday, January 18, 2008
Dashin' Desperadoes - Expert difficulty (3/3)
hannah montana
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Duration: 01:06 minutes Upload Time: 2007-11-25 08:31:10 User: girlzclub17 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: this is our 3rd video !!!!!!!!!!! |
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FFx2Rikku931 ::: Favorites 2007-12-15 22:56:21 Nice,miley cyrus (A.K.A. hannah montana) is cool,i like her show to,well i give you 5starts =) __________________________________________________ | |
girlzclub17 ::: Favorites 2007-12-07 19:09:31 thx __________________________________________________ | |
jollyrancherz79 ::: Favorites 2007-12-06 18:35:36 i rated this 5 stars:) __________________________________________________ |
fleet week 2006 video 4
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Duration: 01:10 minutes Upload Time: 2006-10-08 02:12:16 User: nuclearmage :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: fleet week 2006 video 4 |
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Etic Of Signs
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Duration: 01:05 minutes Upload Time: 2008-01-12 09:49:48 User: jonathanpilia :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: (ON http://piliaemmanuele.wordpress.com/2008/01/12/etic-of-a-sign/#respond) In una società, quale la contemporanea a noi, dove il concetto di tradizione e popolo, lascia sempre più spazio al concetto di sovrapposizione etnica, di interfernza, di contaminazione, ha senso parlare di archetipo? Ossia, in una società dove il significato dei "segni", non sono ne condivisi, ne decifrabili, ha senso andare a cercare nella coninuità il motivo predominante dello spazio di vita? Presa cosciensa che le soluzioni del passato sono inconciliabili con lo stile di vita contemporaneo, che, ormai entrata in un ottica ottica realmente moderna, di intregazione, e fusione, di abbattimento di margini, presa coscienza che la differenza ed il doppiosenso, l'equivoco, è il sangue portatore di ossigeno, presa coscienza di ciò, dicevo, è possibile cercare tra le soluzioni adottate in passato, quella più idonea ad affrontare il nuovo trend? Ovviamente no. Essendo un fenomeno inedito, e non solo, avendo il fenomeno tra le sue caratteristiche, quella del non radicamento e della svolta, questa possibilità è esclusa. Tanto più quando si parla di "credo". Attenzione, non "religione", ma "credo". Il progetto per un luogo di culto policonfessionale, sito a Montemario (una dei punti più alti di Roma), nasce da queste premesse.interno#notte In un luogo dove per tradizione è richiesto un sistema di "segni" con grande impatto significativo, certo e inequivocavile (una croce, una stella di davide, una mezza luna...), qui si contrappone un sistema di segni altrettanto , ed arrogamente forte, ma con significato libero, aperto, "incerto". I segni si stratificano, si confondono e tranciano la e nella, composizione architettonica. Ogni linea, superfice, vuoto chiuso, risucchio o incastro, nasce e crea ancora nuovi segni, sia strutturanti, sia liberi. La completa libertà spaziale (il fruitore è libero di muoversi senza incontrare porte) è figlia e genitore dello stratificare di segni e dal gioco di volumi così disegnato. Si è voluto dare priorità ai bisogni della percezione, rendendo ricca la vista, ma evitando di randere il tutto invasivo. Infatti, rimanendo coerenti con la vera funzione dell'edificio, si è riusciti comunque a mantenere una ricercata atmosfera rilassante, nonostante la ricchezza formale. Le linee guide della composizione cercano di affermare l'importanza della luce che si e' voluta dare in questo edificio.d Questo e' sottolineato sopratutto nell' "aula sacra", dove lo stesso segno all'interno della composizione rappresenta sia la luce naturale sia la luce artificiale. Di giorno, la luce penetrera da un lucernario che corre per tutta la lunghezza dell'aula, innondando l'ambiente di chiarore, mentre sul pavimento la traccia del sole va a imprimersi come una lama dorata. Di notte invece, e' l'edificio che restituisce la luce all'esterno, grazie ad una fascia di led luminosi incastonati nel pavimento quasi fossero pietre preziose in prezioso gioiello argenteo, gioiello posto in corrispondenza del lucernaio. |
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Duration: 00:6 minutes Upload Time: 2006-12-08 20:47:01 User: wormboii :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: logo |
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Onar feat Pezet Małolat - Daj mi Przeżyć
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Duration: 05:51 minutes Upload Time: 2007-09-19 07:03:45 User: Poksik :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Onar feat Pezet i Małolat |
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Sokol26 ::: Favorites 2008-01-04 12:24:24 karolwolow A co, wolałbyć żeby wszyscy sie opcinali jak ty na globus?? Nie wszystkim to pasuje.. __________________________________________________ | |
pipenxxl ::: Favorites 2007-10-27 16:04:32 poprostu ELEGANCKO!!! __________________________________________________ | |
karolwolow ::: Favorites 2007-09-21 09:38:23 dobre. ale pzt by sie mial ostrzyc:) __________________________________________________ |
Scary Movie (Really Scary )
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Duration: 00:20 minutes Upload Time: 2007-07-13 10:52:14 User: Eskidoganli40 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: scary movei |
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Mind Geek : JayFaggot Version
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Duration: 02:26 minutes Upload Time: 2007-12-02 13:13:43 User: naruxhinatreyy :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: bored |
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peenaiilaydeeh ::: Favorites 2008-01-04 00:20:25 Oww, Liane Oh My- LOL nice vidd __________________________________________________ | |
gansterjjr ::: Favorites 2007-12-24 16:37:04 this video cool make more __________________________________________________ | |
naruxhinatreyy ::: Favorites 2007-12-07 16:14:54 (this is really his sis) who made this this sucks........... __________________________________________________ | |
FL1PP3D ::: Favorites 2007-12-07 16:12:22 LMFAO. ading. i love you :D __________________________________________________ | |
Pinayz12 ::: Favorites 2007-12-03 15:56:51 ROFL!! loser.. im geussing you were boreed aha XD __________________________________________________ | |
retardproductions13 ::: Favorites 2007-12-02 17:16:24 LMAOO FAGG!! __________________________________________________ | |
xbhabieg ::: Favorites 2007-12-02 14:14:59 hahaha nice video Justin! :P lmao =P so funny! hehe ;) __________________________________________________ |
Starcraft: me and my bro our first LAN game (humans vs bots)
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Duration: 10:58 minutes Upload Time: 2007-11-06 16:23:09 User: FSynchro :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Me (Synchro and marcarco also known as ds primer) first LAN game on Starcraft. We did the toturial so we found out what we need to do to be able to play it. I made a fair with unlimited resources map and played ;o. NOTICE: Please don't make a fool out of yourself by posting these kinds of comments: you suck, or You're noob. Because we know. It was just our first lan game ;o Don't make a stupid retardish fool out of yourself |
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Insanetard ::: Favorites 2008-01-13 20:05:09 ive had this game forever and u would still kick my ass isuck big time i had to stop playing online i suck so bad BTW: good vid __________________________________________________ | |
7534210 ::: Favorites 2008-01-12 03:24:34 wow what a liar. if he had it for 3hrs he probably wouldnt really know how to get bcs.probably just dont want us to flame u for being noobed so u just say u just started __________________________________________________ | |
nitrox255 ::: Favorites 2008-01-11 23:34:03 what do u meen bots? there are no "bots" in SC __________________________________________________ | |
degreenfreak ::: Favorites 2008-01-03 19:43:40 I play online with my friend alot, maybe I should record when me and my friend are playing...... __________________________________________________ | |
Aclawed ::: Favorites 2007-12-23 23:38:47 yur gaaaay FSynchro __________________________________________________ | |
andres871992 ::: Favorites 2007-12-16 13:03:56 dude ur good 4 starter like better than me when i started =D lol but wat helps is to watch replays and everythin that gives u the idea and like it helps u lot good luck man __________________________________________________ | |
Eyepoke42 ::: Favorites 2007-11-27 15:08:11 LAN = Fun once i got 2 PCs i never stopped __________________________________________________ | |
GodaimeG ::: Favorites 2007-11-18 21:39:18 lol awsome, i should play LAN games more often. u guys r good for starters (= __________________________________________________ | |
OperationDanceDance ::: Favorites 2007-11-14 23:52:12 Awesome dude Hey you know What would be cool? Starcraft on PSP and DS........ BTW cant wait for Starcraft2 to be out.:P Love your video __________________________________________________ | |
FSynchro ::: Favorites 2007-11-11 09:07:14 Yep make a fool out of yourself.. Tard XD __________________________________________________ | |
SupaDupa91 ::: Favorites 2007-11-09 23:11:52 noob __________________________________________________ | |
FSynchro ::: Favorites 2007-11-06 17:01:09 Thanks for the tip. I'll try work on that ;) __________________________________________________ | |
aIgorithm ::: Favorites 2007-11-06 16:54:40 you guys are decent for starters, but to improve your gaming alot, learn to use hotkeys and get extra bases ASAP. The faster your income and production rate, the easier this game is. Also i prefer to attack in big waves. 12 Carriers or Battlecruisers will do way more vs 4 carriers or battlecruisers. __________________________________________________ |
SF "As One" Gathering Pt3
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Duration: 06:10 minutes Upload Time: 2007-02-20 21:49:32 User: angelgallardo1 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: interviews at the San Francisco "As One" Gathering |
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angelgallardo1 ::: Favorites 2007-03-19 14:53:24 you are becoming famous man! __________________________________________________ | |
frinkmhey ::: Favorites 2007-03-19 13:31:05 Wow, another one with me! Thanks for interviewing me. Good job. __________________________________________________ | |
angelgallardo1 ::: Favorites 2007-03-04 10:10:49 Since then I got several new subscribers, some celebreties even like IanCrossland and Spricket24 as well as some very young actors. __________________________________________________ | |
Sportiboy ::: Favorites 2007-03-04 07:37:44 You're famous now, lol! I wish I could have attended the gathering. It looks like you guys had great fun! __________________________________________________ | |
angelgallardo1 ::: Favorites 2007-02-27 11:39:12 Yeah, who knows! All I know it blew my mind away that the Fizz would throw a party for just a few people and not think about how this would make the event called "As One" look. __________________________________________________ | |
kenrg ::: Favorites 2007-02-27 11:21:50 I can't believe I missed this when it went up last week! Great job with it, my pleasure to share the clip with you. Oh, and I didn't get Renetto's extra ticket either. ... I wonder who did? ... __________________________________________________ | |
angelgallardo1 ::: Favorites 2007-02-23 15:24:57 Thanks for the subjestion hellionexciter. __________________________________________________ | |
angelgallardo1 ::: Favorites 2007-02-23 09:35:38 Well there were the Elite people, their family and friends, and the kiss ass people who probably beg and cried in other to be in this party, I wasn't in any of those categories I was I "YouTube member" attending the "As One" event that was supposed to be for "YouTube community" or atleast it should been that way. A lot of things could've been done. I'm just amaized that this people didn't do any of them. __________________________________________________ | |
DrLemur ::: Favorites 2007-02-23 05:48:11 Kinda sucks about the after party. Although they may have only had limited headroom in the venue. I did see some very low subscriber users there in the video. Maybe they should have asked people to register for the after party before the event happened or something to get an idea of what kind of numbers to expect. Those who travelled a long way should have had some kind of priority perhaps. __________________________________________________ | |
somoneyken ::: Favorites 2007-02-22 22:29:58 Waaaa! Cry me a river. Maybe you should spend more time trying to be cool like the popular people on youtube instead of complaining when they like at you like a piece of s*** in your video. You can have all the abs you want - that's not gonna make you cool. Look up hellionexciter on youtube - he's cooool. __________________________________________________ | |
soulfuluniverse ::: Favorites 2007-02-22 19:18:35 WOW, me personally? I wouldn't think that I'm such an important person her on YouTube... but thanks anyway! __________________________________________________ | |
fivetoedsloth ::: Favorites 2007-02-22 14:09:06 That's a good point. I wouldn't want to harbor any ill feelings towards them because they didn't, though. It's the first time they've ever done anything like this, and maybe didn't get everything right. They're human. Next time maybe they'll plan to make it an event everyone can get into. Looking forward to more videos from you. :) __________________________________________________ | |
angelgallardo1 ::: Favorites 2007-02-22 13:49:41 Yes, I was planning to do so from the begining but first I wanted to show the positives and give myself time to calm down and think things through otherwise you would've seen a video of a very angry person going off on these people about the bad taste of their actions. Yeah, that video is coming and hopefully I'll be calm and fluent to explain everything properly. Thank you so much for commenting and your input. __________________________________________________ | |
angelgallardo1 ::: Favorites 2007-02-22 13:46:06 Tell me about it. Imagine you coming all the way from England and spending all that money just to hung around a few hours with these people. __________________________________________________ | |
angelgallardo1 ::: Favorites 2007-02-22 13:44:28 In every event of this magnitud. I mean Mr Safety himself on his video was talking about tv stations, magazines, people flying from other countries and other states to this event, I would think that they want and they expect a large amount of people to attend. It only makes sense to me that an after party was going to be there for every member of YouTube. If they are talking about community and sense of everyone being part of this thing. They should have taken measures accordingly. __________________________________________________ |