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Duration: 00:29 minutes Upload Time: 06-07-20 04:24:04 User: majkeld :::: Favorites |
Nintendo's cooking game. Whatta idea! "Clean" version of the spot is available at: http://gameads.gamepressure.com |
Comments | |
DaitarnX ::: Favorites lo faranno in italiano? 06-10-30 14:36:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
mariohenri ::: Favorites kore wa nan de su ka? 07-06-14 22:48:36 _____________________________________________________ |
Monday, September 3, 2007
Shaberu! DS Oryouri Navi nintendo ds japanese commercial
My Educational RPG Programmed in Flash
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Duration: 07:59 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-12 15:24:52 User: jimmyrcom :::: Favorites |
http://youtube.jimmyr.com/ to request tutorials This is my math based rpg programmed in flash. It's actually pretty addicting. Since I'm good with mysql php and xml the possibility exists to make it an mmorpg in the future. For now I'm just trying to make everything dynamic capable and finish the equipment and items functions. Check out my old speed math trainer in flash http://www.jimmyr.com/blog/Speed_Math_Trainer_Program_126_2006.php Vedics Mathematics System trachenburg trachenburge tratchenberg tratchenburg speed maths rapid addition multiplication two digit three four five division %%personal |
Comments | |
CJNBrothers ::: Favorites This is probably the best idea i have seen in a long time. I am also into making games in flash like this. I use flash pro 8 and have just started. I would love to see how this turns out. If you could give me a beta version of the game me and my friend would love to take it apart and see how it works. I would love to make somthing like this. If you can thanks much! 07-08-30 19:56:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
Shanto420 ::: Favorites Nice, good idea! 07-08-27 07:58:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
ToxicNoodle ::: Favorites Very cool Flash you made, if I still had flash on my computer ( I was really good with ActionScripting ) I would help you develope it further and help you add items and stuff :D 07-08-24 22:04:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
Doomfirefp ::: Favorites My only flash game was rip off off pong and duck hunter. I called it bird hunter and the bird basically moved the way the pong ball moved. Also I added a cross hair to shoot. It was horrible game but I passed grade 11 programming. 07-08-20 16:46:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
Mumum2 ::: Favorites I knew that looked like some character I knew. 07-08-20 01:56:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
sckum555 ::: Favorites nice game. i think you said it but will you add like skills like fishing and stuff? not just fighting? 07-08-17 13:18:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
vmistry94 ::: Favorites can you please make a tutorial on how to make games 07-08-15 17:47:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
bawlinhigh123 ::: Favorites how long did it take you to make the game? btw its very cool and im interested in making flash games things like that im hoping for some good tutorials of how to make flash games you are awsome i saw most of your videos your videos are the best!! 07-08-14 21:34:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
vmistry94 ::: Favorites when will you finish it? 07-08-14 17:06:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
PhantomPirate666 ::: Favorites Nice.This looks good, Im probaly gonna need this cause Im shitty with math after these,and this does look interesting.... 07-08-13 04:15:19 _____________________________________________________ |
Danny Punto Rojo - Que Lo Que Tu Dice
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Duration: 03:20 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-24 06:06:12 User: sammychocha :::: Favorites |
Esta Cancion esta batiando en las discotekas!!Melma Melma!!Estilo Techno Complot records |
Comments | |
wtflinda ::: Favorites que lo que tu dice ? ja ja ja ja I love this song! 07-08-27 23:37:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
nexo15 ::: Favorites k payaso ella mima le dio permiso de acela tu no sabia k sino tiene permiso lo demandan k idiota e ese tal xazoe 07-08-20 00:13:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
alanagrrrlvermont ::: Favorites check out CAMAZONCAMS dot COM for the hottest FREE webcams views 07-08-14 20:58:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
xazoe ::: Favorites no tienes verguenza solo cantas encima de la version original descanse en paz natasja you´re the real calabria 07-08-13 06:54:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
lamalcria ::: Favorites Diablo ta alante esta vaia! 07-07-26 05:01:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
vicar03 ::: Favorites Mierda, ese tigre tiene mucha imaginación, esa traducción ta vacanísima coño! Danny Punto Rojo, tu eres el mejor, cada vez que lo oigo me rio mucho y me pongo de buen humor. Thanx!!! 07-07-17 09:42:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
negrolin2 ::: Favorites i esa lo keria 07-07-16 19:38:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
sammychocha ::: Favorites What u mean, the artist? 07-06-27 13:10:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
melsae92 ::: Favorites how can i find this shit on myspace? 07-06-26 00:48:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
tresili81 ::: Favorites yo i love the beat and i luvs the chick singing yeaaaaa 07-06-03 15:47:40 _____________________________________________________ |
Brave Fencer Musashiden TVCM PSX CM jp jpn japanese ad spot
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Duration: 00:14 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-16 05:38:09 User: majkeld :::: Favorites |
A excellent game to add to your collection... + Final Fantasy VIII demo http://gameads.gamepressure.com |
Comments | |
JasterDCX ::: Favorites god i want the japanese version of this game 07-06-21 15:03:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
Maku1024 ::: Favorites so the releases in both usa and japan were the same: BFM + a demo of FF8 07-06-23 21:51:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
JasterDCX ::: Favorites lol i'm playing the jp version finally. 07-07-17 23:28:48 _____________________________________________________ |
Vakero - tu Mujer - special guest The Notorious B.I.G
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Duration: 04:35 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-27 01:00:06 User: sammychocha :::: Favorites |
Ella lo q quiere e brilla !! The Notorious B.I.G as Vakero by Sammy c.c. ent |
Comments | |
Jflowlk ::: Favorites y eta vaina???? 07-05-29 14:47:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
rafto129 ::: Favorites Ta jevisimo eso!! 07-05-30 15:58:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
scottyspace ::: Favorites ta apera la cancionn 07-06-06 14:22:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
nagua16 ::: Favorites la casion ta jevi pero manin agase un vide 07-06-13 21:22:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
harold0524 ::: Favorites yo creo q con arcangel , facil hacen un video d sta cancion .. 07-07-13 16:46:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
amandahnewjersey ::: Favorites Get a hot date at > WEBFLINGTODAY . COM < 07-08-16 07:49:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
santramans667 ::: Favorites This website is pretty good for naughty webcam girls - <B> CAMAHOLIC DOT NET </B> 07-08-22 15:55:23 _____________________________________________________ |
Natasza Urbanska - Bailamos (Jak Oni Spiewaja)
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Duration: 02:22 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-21 18:03:18 User: aszle :::: Favorites |
21.04.2007 |
Comments | |
blancheshowswomanxa ::: Favorites Great video. For a fun fling with a sexy chick check out DAYFLING dot COM 07-08-20 14:29:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
LeszekQ ::: Favorites ale zenada totalna klapa to jest spiew...?? Enique by ja chyba skopal... 07-08-11 10:14:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
tusi4 ::: Favorites Alton881 zgadzam się z Tobą.Natasza jest super,a to było jedno z jej najlepszych wykonań. 07-08-02 05:09:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
Alton881 ::: Favorites ichneumon2 <<<< Nic wielkiego to ty masz w spodnich idioto ...nieoceniaj jak niemasz pojęcia o muzyce !!! 07-07-30 11:00:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
iiwona ::: Favorites O my God! 07-07-16 00:16:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
Lesheeda ::: Favorites zgadzam się z monalisą i dodam jeszcze że miała piękną fryzurę. 07-06-26 13:21:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
lukaspolaco ::: Favorites o my God. a coz to za dziwaczna aranzacja. ohyda....bleee pomieszanie z poplataniem 07-06-19 19:46:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
princessa1691 ::: Favorites tragiczne wykonanie ;// nie moge słuchać ! zawiodłam się na niej! 07-06-16 14:07:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
anomalia21 ::: Favorites nie mówię że Iglesias doobrze to śpiewał :P a Ty nie wiesz jak ja śpiewam czy fałszuję i czy mam podstawy ażeby tak twierdzić jak mam... tu nie chodzi że ja do niej coś mam... bo nie oglądam tego programu i nie jestem po niczyjej stronie - w przeciwieństwie do Ciebie. Oglądam kawałek... i mówię co widzę i słyszę - w intrze tej piosenki fałszuje cały czas... 07-06-13 07:08:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
ichneumon2 ::: Favorites zgadzam sie z Toba - laska jest slaba jak 150; nic wielkiego; to jest zalosne; w idolu bylo wiele zdolniejszych dziewczat, ktore gdzies po drodze poodpadaly... niech zyje posiadanie niezlych plerow 07-06-12 20:06:57 _____________________________________________________ |
Kasia Cerekwicka - SOS (Hity Na Czasie)
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Duration: 04:37 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-08 16:57:55 User: aszle :::: Favorites |
8.07.2007 |
Comments | |
koroniarz14 ::: Favorites nierozumiem debili a raczej debilek ktore mowia ze jest brzydka i nie umie spiewadz a tak naprawde tylko jej zazdrosicie i nic wiecej 07-08-27 18:28:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
lucassk ::: Favorites zaśpiewała na luzie, wcale sie nie spinała. Bravo! Ślicznie, naprawdę dobra wokalistka!!! 07-08-26 10:40:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
PsYcHoWmIeZe ::: Favorites EyYy..suuppeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr.......^^ Umie nawet spiewac..;-))) 07-08-25 13:34:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
jarekkopanski ::: Favorites no... według mnie, nie jest najlepsze wykonanie Kasi Cerekwickiej, przykro mi... ja myślę że zaśpiewała na 3 !! ;) 07-08-24 12:02:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
alexz19935 ::: Favorites skad sie wziela z koszalina kasiu slicznie jak zawsze nie przejmuj sie durnymi komentarzami 07-08-24 05:24:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
hepeace ::: Favorites bardzo mi przykro :((((( nie przemawia za mną pani piosenka,, zle sie przy słuchaniu jej czuję :( przykro mi , może to dlatego żę gdyby stać było panią na coś wiecej moze byms ie skusił ....ale wybrała pani prosty przekaz, prosty tekt - zbyt proste to wszystko a ja do prostaków nie należe :(( przykro mi 07-08-23 10:09:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
TeeRUPei ::: Favorites z tymi HITAMI NA CZASIE to byl strzal w 10 normalnie zajebiste imprezy :DDDD pozdro dla Tworcow :) 07-08-22 09:04:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
Olka109 ::: Favorites Ani ona ładna, ani śpiewać ładnie nie umie... Skąd to babsko się wzięło? =/ 07-08-11 08:51:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
evve84 ::: Favorites hmm... ta fryzura i sukienka, wydaje mi sie, ze ona próbuje sie upodobnic do Mariah Carey 07-08-10 17:10:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
kaczucha01 ::: Favorites Zajebista piosenka,a takze Kasia ... Pozdro i Bu$ka 07-08-10 07:52:20 _____________________________________________________ |
XBOX 360 Good day commercial short
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Duration: 00:14 minutes Upload Time: 06-06-10 11:27:32 User: majkeld :::: Favorites |
Good day version. Visit http://gameads.gamepressure.com for more game commercials |
Comments | |
FLamezero991 ::: Favorites Goal!!!! 06-09-02 13:54:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
SilvaWarrior ::: Favorites randomness 07-07-29 07:28:18 _____________________________________________________ |
Part 2: Windows From Clean Install To Efficiency
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Duration: 08:52 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-30 00:11:59 User: jimmyrcom :::: Favorites |
Part 1: http://youtube.com/watch?v=sWpcwO3Ok8s Part 3: http://youtube.com/watch?v=jD_GqINkHV8 Here's the text file http://www.buildquiz.com/reinstall.txt VLC Player http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.videolan.org%2Fvlc%2F&ei=s0rWRuidNoGyiwG9qf2eDQ&usg=AFQjCNHhAJ3QZ6KepVQi6V4S-8QzwYZeMA&sig2=JeFAUOK4TgTyMxLsnRkffA MPC (Real alternative) http://www.free-codecs.com/download/Real_Alternative.htm VLC skins http://www.videolan.org/vlc/skins.php CCCP Codec Pack http://cccp-project.net/ Instant Messengers http://www.pidgin.im/ http://www.miranda-im.org/ http://www.ceruleanstudios.com/ Protection Against Spyware http://www.safer-networking.org/en/spybotsd/index.html http://www.download.com/Ad-Aware-2007-Free/3000-8022_4-10045910.html?part=dl-ad-aware&subj=dl&tag=top5 http://www.clamwin.com/ Against Viruses http://www.free-av.com/ http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_home.html http://free.grisoft.com/doc/download-free-anti-virus/us/frt/0 Firewalls http://www.tucows.com/preview/213160 http://www.personalfirewall.comodo.com/ Cleanup http://www.ccleaner.com/ http://stevengould.org/downloads/cleanup/CleanUp452.exe Video / Audio Editing http://www.virtualdub.org/ http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ http://virtualdubmod.sourceforge.net/ Subtitles http://malakith.net/aegiwiki/Main_Page http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=82303&package_id=84359 Macros / Quick Keys http://hotkeybind.sourceforge.net/ http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/file/fid,5506-order,1-page,1-c,alldownloads/description.html http://www.autohotkey.com/ DVD Authoring http://www.dvdflick.net/ http://www.autogk.me.uk/ http://www.mrbass.org/dvdrip/ http://www.mrbass.org/dvdshrink/ p2p http://azureus.sourceforge.net/ http://www.utorrent.com/ http://www.emule-project.net/home/perl/general.cgi?l=1 http://www.frostwire.com/ http://gigatribe.com/tour/accueil.php http://www.softpedia.com/get/Office-tools/Text-editors/DAMN-NFO-Viewer.shtml Virtualcds http://www.free-downloads.net/programs/Alcohol_52__Free_Edition http://www.daemon-tools.cc/dtcc/download.php Programming Editors http://www.pspad.com/ http://www.jedit.org/ http://www.notetab.com/ http://notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/uk/site.htm http://syn.sourceforge.net/ http://www.scintilla.org/SciTE.html Camstudio http://sourceforge.net/projects/camstudio/ Screen Capture Games http://taksi.sourceforge.net/ %%howto |
Comments | |
timmy9632 ::: Favorites delete youself 07-09-02 17:18:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
naraku3 ::: Favorites holy fuck dude... virtualdub took my 180mb vid file and turned it into a friken 4gig video.. and it wouldent even play. what do i do? 07-09-02 06:02:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
supadupakupatrupa ::: Favorites google has a Word program that can be used from any computer with an internet connection as long as you have a gmail account. 07-09-01 18:16:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
GiggityZZ ::: Favorites excuse me jimmy, i have this problem. my stepdad needs a word processor like WordPerfect that can fax emails etc. he needs to use it for his business. sadly, i accidently deleted WordPerfect from the computer ^-^ do u have any alternative programs that can fax emails and stufF? thats the main thing he wants, is the ability to fax things. so something similar to Office Word or WordPerfect. please responde 07-09-01 01:46:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
pokemonlovermand ::: Favorites you can also use Xdvd its a rip program its free and easy TRY IT but thanks for tutorial 07-08-31 12:05:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
oldhippie100 ::: Favorites you rock jimmy..good post 07-08-31 10:32:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
dmonkey21 ::: Favorites i know: i've used daemon, alcohol 52 AND 120, and daemon, and I recommend megicdisc. you can mount more than 6, the drives mount at startup, and thye will stay up even when magicdisc is not open. 07-08-31 10:22:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
XquizitTV ::: Favorites thanks 07-08-31 02:27:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
Bpslave ::: Favorites thanks for listing all the links..much appreciate 07-08-30 18:17:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
XSenergyBHD ::: Favorites I Second this... Can you do a tutorial on it please? 07-08-30 18:02:27 _____________________________________________________ |
Locoroco japanese tv commercial #6 psp cm tvcm portable sony
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Duration: 00:14 minutes Upload Time: 06-09-06 13:54:10 User: majkeld :::: Favorites |
http://gameads.gamepressure.com/ It's Locoroco - have fun! |
Comments | |
alexandriacsmoky ::: Favorites Visit HAVETHISFLING dot COM for fun singles looking for flings 07-08-28 14:12:55 _____________________________________________________ |
Edyta Herbus Michal Wisniewski Jak Oni Spiewaja
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Duration: 07:52 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-20 05:01:15 User: aszle :::: Favorites |
19.05.2007 A Wszystko To Bo Ciebie Kocham |
Comments | |
doreenolszewski5878 ::: Favorites CAMZPARTY dot COM has the best webcam babes ready to chat with you! 07-08-31 05:08:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
nathalie666666 ::: Favorites Boże ja współczuje Michałowi ja bym z nią za żadne skarby nie zaśpiewała 07-08-16 05:27:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
Milunia20 ::: Favorites o Boże .........AMEN 07-08-11 07:46:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
sweetieania ::: Favorites zabijcie mnie 07-07-25 06:07:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
adasko2708 ::: Favorites agness9172 ciekawe jak ty bys zaspiewala .. ? nie tylko muzyczne ... to zatańcz tak jak Ona ! 07-07-14 14:31:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
Lillith87 ::: Favorites Bleh... Yuk... Ugh... 07-07-13 07:36:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
KarolaDP ::: Favorites mocne słowa:D 07-06-29 12:27:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
tuniaPLsilene ::: Favorites I Michal sie mylil i Edzia sie myliła ;-P 07-06-28 02:14:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
LuzzzGIRl ::: Favorites Walesowna powiedziala jeszcze "fajnie"!!!! 07-06-26 10:50:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
wojtas324 ::: Favorites Nie było strasznie. Nawet spoko. 07-06-20 14:13:24 _____________________________________________________ |
Dragon Quest IX 9 TVCM Nintendo DS jp jpn jap cm ad
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Duration: 00:10 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-12 12:05:32 User: majkeld :::: Favorites |
take a look. dont blink ;) |
Comments | |
superator ::: Favorites lol cool^^ 07-05-17 17:19:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
pokemon116 ::: Favorites WOW THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!! xD nah just kidding 07-06-12 19:31:27 _____________________________________________________ |
Grand Theft Auto: The Movie Teaser Trailer
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Duration: 02:44 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-03 16:56:38 User: code05 :::: Favorites |
A teaser trailer for the upcoming live action movie "Grand Theft Auto" based on the hit Rock Star video game "Grand Theft Auto III" |
Comments | |
ThEaNNoynig94 ::: Favorites WTF?? 07-07-14 19:28:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
drummajorette2005 ::: Favorites this movie well suck 07-07-31 19:58:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
Immulius ::: Favorites wtf? WTF??? 07-08-15 15:41:59 _____________________________________________________ |
SingStar Legends PS2 commercial tvcm ad spot ABC jackson's 5
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Duration: 00:30 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-04 15:48:15 User: majkeld :::: Favorites |
http://gameads.gamepressure.com I Want You Back |
Comments | |
Nickelodeonfan ::: Favorites Lol, the girl in second 7 looks like mz classmate 07-08-29 12:22:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
becks010 ::: Favorites I love this add n the girl in the beginin is the cutest!!! love her x x x x 07-07-26 17:32:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
wisheywish ::: Favorites this is clever, its an awesome ad! 07-07-21 04:30:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
D4NN01978 ::: Favorites Agreed, awesome ad! ;) 07-07-09 19:43:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
swirlii ::: Favorites hehe awesome ad! 07-06-30 21:58:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
Manpze16 ::: Favorites no she dont....it was there from the first shot =| 07-03-29 18:54:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
juliannamauriello91 ::: Favorites thankyou so much for posting this, I actually came on here searching for it, cool advert! 06-12-30 19:21:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
mjpsp ::: Favorites I have this game and i sing this song a thousand times 06-12-27 05:39:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxxAmy4xxx ::: Favorites omg i love this advert sooo much! its wicked! the lil girl is soo cute n i love the style in the 2nd n 3rd part! they look wicked! n this song roxxxxxxx 06-12-23 12:37:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
loushee ::: Favorites lol i actually luv it but ave u noticed dat she magically grows a mole wen shes in da showa 06-12-19 13:25:07 _____________________________________________________ |
Carlos Santana Feat Chad Kroeger-Into The Night
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Duration: 04:58 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-29 08:52:46 User: MP3NETCENTER :::: Favorites |
http://www.minimp3center.blogspot.com |
Comments | |
slash89s ::: Favorites i'ts from santana..and the name of the album is ultimate santana 2007...i saw it on vh1..:D 07-09-02 13:43:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
stoneheart20 ::: Favorites Santana is back!!! 07-09-02 13:27:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
ChillerOfBodom ::: Favorites what is the name of the album and is it from nickelback or rom santana??? =? this song RuLeZ =) 07-09-02 10:51:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
earlhicky123 ::: Favorites No room left to move inbetween you and I And we forgot where we were And we lost track of time And we sang to the wind as we danced through the night And we sang a, away, away, away And the voices rang like the angels sing And singing a, away, away, away And we danced on into the night And we danced on into the night And we danced on into the night 07-09-01 20:02:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
earlhicky123 ::: Favorites Like a gift from the heavens It was easy to tell It was love from above That could save me from hell She had fire in her soul It was easy to see How the devil himself could be pulled out of me There were drums in the air as she started to dance Every soul in the room keeping time with their hands And we sang a, away, away, away And the voices rang like the angels sing And singing a, away, away, away And we danced on into the night A, away, away, away 07-09-01 20:01:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
slash89s ::: Favorites oh man...it's fuckin great superb track 07-09-01 12:36:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
demon16MI ::: Favorites i love this song 07-09-01 11:25:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
mixture271186 ::: Favorites Hot, when does the album comes out in Europe? 07-09-01 10:45:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
gula1989 ::: Favorites Yes, it is so great song! And Chad has a great voice! 07-09-01 06:53:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
hrvaticaslatka ::: Favorites eyo eyo eyo ey and we danced oooon intoo the niiight i love this song 07-08-31 17:26:28 _____________________________________________________ |
Arcangel Vs El Lapiz -Round One- Mundord.Com
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Duration: 02:41 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-17 00:20:09 User: sammychocha :::: Favorites |
Quien gano el primer round de esta batalla? y Cual fue la parte q acabo al otro? Ustedes decidan!!! |
Comments | |
HomeMadeProductions1 ::: Favorites oye el raps dominicano se trata de cotorra mani dik k e mentira to... 07-08-21 18:14:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
azile07 ::: Favorites oye arcangel el lo que eh lapiz ed un campesino ese come mierda to lo que el dice he mentira 07-08-15 11:12:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
yovanni212809 ::: Favorites el lapiz lo mejor tu lo abe tu lo abe prrrrra 07-08-12 01:24:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
tommybebefeca ::: Favorites eso es todo mierda att gilbert 07-08-09 15:56:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
arcmonk ::: Favorites arcangel seramejolque baya al dentita paque te aga la prueba del cancel 07-07-28 07:31:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
yupi89 ::: Favorites lapiz!!!! the best!! 07-07-26 23:34:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
cuchifa ::: Favorites ardcangel la maravilla el mas duro 07-07-17 16:13:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
choloxxx56 ::: Favorites arcangel el otro que mas tiene nacionalida, como dice joa aki es domincano en puerto rico es puerto riqueño y me imagino que el brazil es brazileño.. papi con lo dominicanos no preeeaaaaa 07-07-16 09:38:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
Labeba0001 ::: Favorites me gustan los dos pero papi lapiz tiene ma lyrica...arcangel retirate no puedes con el lapiz.. tu lo abeee!!! me kiteee! 07-07-15 20:38:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
drzenano ::: Favorites EL LAPIZ SE LO COMIO a ese palomo anorexico de arcangle k ese e un mmg k se crio por union city nj y cojio pa pr pa pegarse por k aki n usa no le dieron luz mmguebaso arcangle no eh nah tu maldita madre 07-07-15 14:20:54 _____________________________________________________ |
Melanie C - The Moment You Believe (Hity Na Czasie)
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Duration: 04:03 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-09 14:38:49 User: aszle :::: Favorites |
8.07.2007 Wroclaw, Poland |
Comments | |
fgfdmkfkmkfg ::: Favorites jaki śmiech XD jak moja koza 07-07-09 16:04:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
bariiG ::: Favorites sam/a jesteś koza! Melanie jest świetna a jej śmiech spaniały! 07-07-09 16:35:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
MCNutters ::: Favorites What an awewsome lovely crowd and nice performance! 07-07-11 14:25:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
lolik222 ::: Favorites esli ti s4itaew wto ona kak koza,to togda prosto nesluwaj!mel is the best 07-07-11 16:10:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
fgfdmkfkmkfg ::: Favorites lol :P po jakiemu ty gadasz? 07-07-12 06:30:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
PiperCharmedOne ::: Favorites I love tht song 07-07-30 14:03:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
brianc1985 ::: Favorites beautiful song the worst vocal performance so far! this song doesn't suit to her voice at all! 07-07-31 17:03:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
PeWu87 ::: Favorites Ale ona ma piękny głos ... 07-08-06 08:04:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
Narcyza666 ::: Favorites Z wyglądu przypomina mi moją ciotkę xD xD xD...Ale ogólnie głos ma śliczny...Dobrze , że rozpoczęła karierę solową , bo w SG nie miała szans się wykazać... 07-08-09 07:14:49 _____________________________________________________ |