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Duration: 00:60 minutes Upload Time: 06-07-15 21:10:54 User: sandrokan972 :::: Favorites |
Loros,battle, pariott |
Monday, August 20, 2007
Sixpack Usertreffen
Argentina-Colombia 4-2 (calcioltreoceano.blogspot.com)
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Duration: 01:16 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-02 23:57:20 User: sandrokan972 :::: Favorites |
Copa America 2007 Argentina-Colombia 4-2 |
Comments | |
MarsDarinder ::: Favorites Go argentina! My favorite. ¡Vaya Argentina! Mi favorito. 07-07-04 18:20:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
Newlifetoday00001 ::: Favorites <B> Hello my friend YOU'll LOVE this ! Believe me ! Are you STRUGGLING financially ? You don't have to ! Do you know how many new millionaires Internet created last year ? Start working from the comfort of your home and earn between $1000 and $3500 And more... EVERY WEEK ! There's NO limit :) Turn your computer into a big cash machine using the power on the internet ! Go To TUBESLAND . COM now and register... BELIEVE me It WORKS :) Start earning now and change your life ! </B> 07-07-04 22:53:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
luciooobostero ::: Favorites vamos argentina 07-07-08 23:01:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
bocha12121986 ::: Favorites argentinos que mierda los conven ce a ustedes???ya no se gana mas con el peso de la camiseta. ahor se te tiran atras todos los equipos y es jodido hacer un gol cuando tenes a 10 del equipo contrario metidos en los ultimos 20 metros de la cancha...me parece perfecto que se juegue para atras....hay que tener pausa y en cuanto hay espacio que riquelme met el pase o que messi haga una de las suyas. Saludos y tiremos todos para el mismo lado 07-07-08 23:51:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
arielmagne ::: Favorites spocktacular: You don't understand this sport. In soccer always win the best one. 4 x 2! remember it. jaja 07-07-11 00:22:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
obrerodejesus ::: Favorites Este fue un gran partido de futbol, me gusto mucho la garra colombiana, es una pena q pasen la roda, la proxima sera.- En unos anos las copa america sera mucho mas pareja entre todos. Los latinos tenemos el mejor futbol. 07-07-13 21:18:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
esperanza27 ::: Favorites si la argentina gano 2 mundiales uno comprado y el otro por una mano que existio y no pitaron , tambien gano 14 copas de marica pero gano 10 cuando solo jugaba su hijo uruguay y la argetina osea que cual es la mierda que habla que han ganado limpio todo ha sido robado cuando vuelvan a ganar un mundial pero que sea limpiamente hablamos viva colombia hijueputa colombiano toda la eternidad 07-07-19 00:02:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
ramydh ::: Favorites colombia se queja del futbol argentinoooo jajajaja PERO POBRES PIBES .. vallan a picar cafe MOGOLICOS .......DOS COPAS DEL MUNDO GANADAS X ARG X COLOMBIA???? shhhhhhhhhhh NO CAMPEONES DEL MUNDO ABTENERCE A HABLAR X FAVOR 07-07-30 03:08:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
juansa74 ::: Favorites Who the hell asked you?? 07-08-01 11:44:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
arielcito222 ::: Favorites es pura envidia, son todas selecciones chicas las de sudameria, comparadas a la de argentina, nadie puede hablar, y hasta ahi no mas brasil, el resto se caya la boca, que son todos hijos nuestros 07-08-16 22:40:38 _____________________________________________________ |
TUBE 夏を待ちきれなくて
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Duration: 05:38 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-03 11:15:22 User: jironack :::: Favorites |
I love you から始めよう・・・ |
Comments | |
kai85TUBER ::: Favorites すばらしい!~他のTUBEのpvを持っていますか? 07-07-09 11:58:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
jironack ::: Favorites たぶんあると思うので探してみます。 07-07-09 13:05:25 _____________________________________________________ |
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Duration: 05:22 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-08 23:09:31 User: acrowleyorder :::: Favorites |
Transmission O.o.D. Faction: THE ORDER Erica Pike Melissa Aelius Status: PRIVATE VIDEO S2 E2 http://acrowleyorder.bebo.com http://youtube.com/acrowleyorder http://myspace.com/acrowleyorder Music: Depeche Mode - Lie To Me http://bebo.com/depechemodefans Used with permission from EMI's Virgin Records (UK) |
Comments | |
megandpineapple ::: Favorites Kate Modern....? 07-08-09 02:06:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
GemmaReturns ::: Favorites "Kate" is not an issue... you have more important concerns... 07-08-09 04:19:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
eXoRz ::: Favorites LG15!!! :D 07-08-09 08:13:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
tonytwister18 ::: Favorites what is that trade mark, lower left?? 07-08-09 11:23:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
ilike2burnthing ::: Favorites look up KatemodernLG15 on youtube 07-08-09 12:21:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
mugglemags ::: Favorites How's Gemma? 07-08-09 12:23:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
razorgrl ::: Favorites it's the bebo mark . .. if you go to bebo(dot)com, you can see all the kate modern videos. 07-08-09 13:32:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
razorgrl ::: Favorites these are all condensed from the kate modern series that's on bebo or also accessible through the lg15 site. 07-08-09 13:33:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
betz28 ::: Favorites awesome!!! i love your videos ;) 07-08-09 18:52:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
dynomoose ::: Favorites bebo 07-08-09 21:58:20 _____________________________________________________ |
wpt hung la vs haralabos
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Duration: 03:06 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-06 08:31:20 User: noritaka666 :::: Favorites |
350$ FREE CASH WITHOUT DEPOSIT ON : http://www.yourpokercash.com/?addby=2bdf04 |
Steve Bargonetti - Moonlight Romance
Uriah Heep - Feelings
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Duration: 02:05 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-28 08:59:02 User: KaYLisS :::: Favorites |
ShoW O MaSTerS HiP HoP Un BaTTlE OrGaNiSé PaR TrooPerS ProD ! Un ExTraiT ! BoN ViSioNNaGe !! |
Comments | |
kokolanio ::: Favorites woua super tp baleze les filles lol euuu se sré simpa d'metr d comz sur mon blog? jsui koko-du44unik ;-) lol nempeche tp déchainer mai super baleze jarivré po a faire sa...enfin c sur jsui un mec jvé po faire sa ahah 07-08-17 12:01:03 _____________________________________________________ |
Newell´s Old Boys 1 Vs Estudiantes de La Plata 1
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Duration: 01:14 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-19 19:12:06 User: DeporteAFull :::: Favorites |
Partido de la jornada 3 del torneo apertura 2007 de futbol de argentina. |
La politica....è come un supermercato
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Duration: 01:25 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-19 18:52:24 User: gencostefano :::: Favorites |
Visioni molto strane di politica... |
Maradona - Goal impossibile!
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Duration: 00:17 minutes Upload Time: 06-06-11 17:02:24 User: Enigmista90 :::: Favorites |
Con questo goal Maradona si conferma il Dio del calcio. |
Comments | |
harunyahyadotorg ::: Favorites was this a goal, i cant see anything? 07-03-17 19:08:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
PeeWeeHammer ::: Favorites He's no Carlton Cole is he? 07-03-30 15:52:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
Fabiolecce89 ::: Favorites perchè viene ricordato sempre il gol contro l'inghilterra quando questo è uno dei più belli della storia del calcio?? 07-04-07 13:02:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
CactusG26 ::: Favorites the guy was not human that goal is impossible to remake 07-04-18 19:52:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
jbergamp ::: Favorites cuando con quien y contra quien hizo ese gol??? 07-05-29 14:29:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
naratips ::: Favorites Precision, Precision, Precision! Only young Maradona could do that again. Nobody else, period! 07-08-07 15:08:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
goranbluka ::: Favorites lmfao ,you are right bro 07-08-11 02:44:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
redcomet2006 ::: Favorites yes a goal...and it was 1 of the most amazing things I have ever seen 07-08-11 10:06:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
redcomet2006 ::: Favorites pele was great but maradona is in another level..pele wouldn't even think of possibly doing a goal like this, to him it would be impossible 07-08-11 10:07:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
aragrrrlsmoky ::: Favorites The TOP webcam dating site at CAMAZONDATING dot COM 07-08-14 10:31:47 _____________________________________________________ |
ナマ「水本しずか」アイドルネット配信 週末深夜
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Duration: 01:10 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-01 10:56:58 User: zzztv :::: Favorites |
アイドルがアイドル界の頂点を目指し、地球上のあらゆるモノに勝負を挑む!アイドリームマッチ エッグアイドルHyper詳しくは↓ http://mycasty.jp/egg/ 毎週末深夜ナマ配信!参加者募集(無料) 最新情報はコチラをクリック!! http://mycasty.jp/egg/index_blog1.html http://mycasty.jp/egg/index_blog2.html |
Comments | |
kowa1985 ::: Favorites hahahahhahaha 07-08-02 02:38:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
positive30 ::: Favorites omg THAT WAS GREAT Bravo, bravo 07-08-02 20:16:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
ASOUtanLOVE ::: Favorites warata 07-08-07 07:24:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
loveshair ::: Favorites Your hair is beautiful ;) 07-08-15 02:21:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
virandan ::: Favorites beatiful hair I agree.. 07-08-17 02:26:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
Adria20 ::: Favorites omg can i please have your hair? 07-08-19 16:08:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
Thanks! For Subscribing?
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Duration: 01:04 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-19 23:20:40 User: TomsterMusic :::: Favorites |
Did I ever say thanks? |
Comments | |
ArmandoProductions ::: Favorites aww that was so sweet =) Really great, I loved it, thanks for making this for all your subscribers. whihc video editing program do you use btw? 07-07-28 15:51:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
TomsterMusic ::: Favorites Armannddoooo! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm kinda weird but oh well! Haha!! I use 'Pinnacle Studio-version 9' It's pretty easy to use and SO much better than my old one... "Fisher-Price: My First Video Maker!" LoL 07-07-28 17:10:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
dan9tee ::: Favorites I think this has to be the best shout-out I've ever seen!! Awesome! You're songs are as ace as the day is long. And not just any days, I mean Summer days, which are like really looong days, which in conclusion means that your songs are supremely aaaaaaaaaace beyond my ability to explain sufficiently how great they are! *Takes a breath* Phew. Dan =:D 07-08-03 22:53:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
TomsterMusic ::: Favorites AAHahhahah!! Now I getta put your name in the next one! I've never had any of my stuff called ACE before! ::Looks 'ace' up on Google:: Ooohh.. okee, THANKS!! Haha.. ThankyouthankyouThankyou for subscribing! Pony says 'Hi!' He just ate my effects processor. Now he sounds all reverby! Silly poniiee! ♫ Tom! ♫ 07-08-03 23:01:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
dan9tee ::: Favorites Well, thank you in advance for puttin' me in da next one!! Wahooo!! Oh yeah, the pony will only respond to the name 'Gangamatooba'. Any other name will confuse him and possibly provoke a Pony Rampage! House guests can be sooo temperamental... And ACE is most certainly a term for being excellent and fantasticalismo (which is a word in my head if not in a dictionary..) =:D 07-08-03 23:10:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
ArmandoProductions ::: Favorites I think I've heard about that program before, I'm not sure though. it looks great btw ;) 07-08-06 17:49:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
BeatnikManfred ::: Favorites Hi....Awesome..Great...Thanks for posting 07-08-19 14:21:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
Aergerdichnicht ::: Favorites Klasse!!!Das ist doch wirklich auch mal was für gute Freunde. 07-08-19 14:38:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
hoffmann9471 ::: Favorites That´s very funny and nice. Schoen. 07-08-19 14:59:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
TomsterMusic ::: Favorites EVERYONNNEEE!! LoL! You guys are so great for commenting on some subscriber video thingy! Haha! thanks guys! ♫ ToM! ♪ 07-08-19 15:18:00 _____________________________________________________ |
泣く森幸子 アイドルナマ配信毎週末 深夜
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Duration: 02:30 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-01 04:10:10 User: zzztv :::: Favorites |
アイドルがアイドル界の頂点を目指し、地球上のあらゆるモノに勝負を挑む!アイドリームマッチ エッグアイドルHyper詳しくは↓ http://mycasty.jp/egg/ 深夜ナマ配信!参加者募集(無料) 最新情報はコチラをクリック!! http://mycasty.jp/egg/index_blog1.html http://mycasty.jp/egg/index_blog2.html |
Comments | |
chousennminnshushugi ::: Favorites あほくさ 07-08-06 08:57:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
t26x0921 ::: Favorites Not bad. 07-08-08 11:51:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
kkinski2000 ::: Favorites Cool. 07-08-15 05:52:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
tohobbes ::: Favorites かわいいよ。目がきれいと思う。 07-08-15 09:52:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
gabrielyabukisilva ::: Favorites baka 07-08-16 10:01:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
bumantara ::: Favorites nihon jin no baka 07-08-17 23:04:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
AnimefortheLazyman ::: Favorites ちょっとcreepy だね (自分の気持ちをそんなにコントロル出来る事は怖い。。あの子の彼氏が絶対操られていると思う lol) 07-08-19 06:14:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
AnimefortheLazyman ::: Favorites forgot to put the english translation: "kind of creepy...seeing a girl able to control their emotions so much..you KNOW she manipulates her boyfriend..lol" 07-08-19 06:18:04 _____________________________________________________ |
Jerry Lee de Lachem (3)
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Duration: 00:12 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-21 12:24:37 User: tressoneuse :::: Favorites |
Lili |
NTTドコモ東海 - 北乃きい
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption First Hour 3/6
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Duration: 07:12 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-18 05:12:57 User: TwinIonEngines :::: Favorites |
Part 3 of 6 |
Comments | |
darksora2323 ::: Favorites scans everything but the monsters this guy sucks 07-08-18 16:56:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
Wii4Mii ::: Favorites Epic win 07-08-18 17:53:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
Olympion ::: Favorites Nice! 07-08-18 18:03:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
Tailsxcosmo2122 ::: Favorites Okay i was just on the last vid expect the player playing sucks because hes not listening to know how to fight like a lil kid is playing it 07-08-18 21:04:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
deeznuts101000 ::: Favorites Damn by accident I hit 4 stars instead of 5! ;_; 07-08-18 22:17:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
thedudewhosadude ::: Favorites Wow, this guy really sucks...is this his first metroid prime game? 07-08-18 22:39:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
ARMORCHAMPION148 ::: Favorites Nintendo is so anti-piracy they made an entire series based on shooting them... in game metroid achievements very niice 07-08-18 23:15:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
PizzaPlus ::: Favorites Space pirates are assholes "Neener neener neener, you can't have the tank!" 07-08-19 01:01:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
petermcgra ::: Favorites ne1 no when dis is coming out in europe? 07-08-19 05:31:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
Skaarjguy ::: Favorites yes it is. 07-08-19 09:01:28 _____________________________________________________ |
Semih şentürk Gol fenerbahçe gaziantep
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Duration: 00:49 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-19 05:02:48 User: vivagk :::: Favorites |
Semih attı 2 oldu |
Comments | |
freestyler204 ::: Favorites yedekler yeter 07-08-19 10:32:15 _____________________________________________________ |
www.Skocznia.com: Adas w Wisle
jô soares - falcão
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Duration: 21:03 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-16 22:00:04 User: punkg0 :::: Favorites |
jô entrevista falcão. o cantor mostra trechos de composições suas bem como a versão que fez para o clássico do pink floyd "another brick in the wall" com letra de "atirei o pau no gato". |
Comments | |
pupamanu ::: Favorites kkkkkkkk muito loko... 07-07-02 12:36:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
gspfc ::: Favorites Falcão é simplesmente o artista mais FODA que esse país já teve!!! 07-07-03 23:11:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
wyldleo ::: Favorites hahahaha...esse cara eh o mestre!! 07-07-07 14:50:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
redhot1986 ::: Favorites Jô não gosta de dividir as atenções, boa entrevista!!! 07-07-09 01:25:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
neto898 ::: Favorites nossa dei risada até mais ou menos!! 07-07-11 17:11:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
rodrigoforkamr ::: Favorites falcao esse cara e d + o rei do humor improvizado ai menot not dow !!! 07-07-12 22:40:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
saidemonio3000 ::: Favorites Cada coisa... ahahahahaa, muito engraçada as histórias e comentários do falcao. 07-07-15 07:31:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
brunoalmeidaster ::: Favorites rogério aquático hauauahahuh nota 10!!!! falcão eh fodaaaaa 07-07-21 23:36:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
leojuniorjatai ::: Favorites DOIDO DOIDO DOIDO 07-08-01 14:10:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
xisgo ::: Favorites mmmmmuito foda ! o mestre............. 07-08-04 16:43:40 _____________________________________________________ |