Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Bill Kristol sees parallels between Obama and Jimmy Carter

Duration: 01:05 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-24 16:26:43

I'm not a Hillary fan, and I'm definitely no Republican, but when I heard a Fox "News" panelist express something about Barack Obama that I've been saying and expressing worry over myself recently (reminiscent of Jimmy Carter: inexperienced, promising change following a corrupt Republican Administration, but whose foreign policy failure led to 26 years of Republican control), one has to wonder if maybe there's more to it than I fear?


classic14rider  2008-03-02 00:51:51

Hillary Clinton has once again demonstrated that she is in the hip pocket of the neo-conservatives. She has taken Bill Kristol up on this advice with her "3 AM" television ad. If Clinton were in the White House will she surround herself with her little neo-conservative friends and get us into another war in the Middle East or Central Asia?
tonylee1973  2008-02-26 20:33:38

Wake up fellow americans, Bill Kristol is a hardcore Zionist and the Isreal Lobby is hitting Obama. I would prefer Ron Paul, but I could live with Obama. We must stop the warmonger Mcain and the NEOLIB Hillary Clinton and her Zionist friend Madeliene Allbriaght.
scj16  2008-02-26 01:19:23

Bill Kristol is a vegatable for FOX NOISE and needs to grow a brain. He and his PNAC buddies are responsible for this disasterous foriegn policy that we have now! Slap this man! Please!
Galvatron7  2008-02-25 12:59:33

yeah but other than that he did great. And the reason he didnt kill osama is because their were innocent women and children there in that camp ,who could or woudl have died 2. So maybe bin laden would have been killed but fro mthe ashes of that attack even more terrorist would spew/spawn, you never know . It's easy to judge in retrospect. But clinton had the balls to do somethign about the balkan even thoug hthe russians were against it. Bush doesnt dare t ostand against putin
BI30  2008-02-25 09:45:29

I'm not relying on anything, nor am I using the video to promote one candidate over another. It should only serve as a cautionary tale.

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