Monday, July 30, 2007

Car Stoppie

Duration: 213 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-07 15:07:10
User: Biertijd1
:::: Favorites

Car Stoppies

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LordBullGod ::: Favorites
Starving children in China, and these guys invest money to make a WV pull a stoppie.
07-06-18 20:42:13
jham1980 ::: Favorites
How much money did it take to ruin this car for any pratical purpose? You know that is a very expensive system and to do what? Do a stoppie? Why? It'll just make your car look like it has turrett syndrome of some sort.
07-06-18 23:50:13
superstocktx ::: Favorites
thats not even a true stoppie, they needed air bags to get the ass end up....stupid
07-06-25 22:20:10
misterrory ::: Favorites
07-06-26 20:01:16
rocketpoweriscool ::: Favorites
thats so gay
07-07-01 21:30:32
macfad2088 ::: Favorites
haha just imagine that stoped at traffic lights doing that and it looked like a perfect vw lol
07-07-07 13:40:26
Ministock85h ::: Favorites
its not chinese...
07-07-08 22:57:31
crazymofo41 ::: Favorites
wow ull need a chick in ur life if this is wat u do lol
07-07-15 22:30:28
syddws ::: Favorites
Sjuka brassar.
07-07-29 06:35:07
Probicz ::: Favorites
Its so fukin shit ;d
07-07-29 17:16:36

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